#1 Safety
Prior to the planned trip, it is essential to put together a first aid kit with all of the necessities and make sure it is up to date. A safety equipment checks before leaving the dock and allowing the children board the boat is key to ensure little one’s safety. It is crucial to have a designated family member who’s sole responsibility are the children on board that among other things such as feeding them and caring for them, will ensure everyone has appropriate clothing, sunscreen, and their life vest properly secured on. It is important to review safety rules and behavior expectations with the children while on the boat, remaining within adult eyesight and away from edge to prevent getting knocked down and falling over, no touching buttons & equipment on board, and lastly, use restroom prior to boarding (or provide alternative potty solutions on board for the little ones).
#2. Shelter
It is important to ensure children have a shaded area that protects them from strong sun and wind in order to avoid overheating & dehydration. Children need a comfortable place for them to rest & recharge, eat, take a nap, or unwind if they are overstimulated. The goal is to prevent over-tired, cranky, crying, and unhappy kids.
#3. Healthy Kid Friendly Food
Mess free snacks, avoiding high sugar & sodium that will cause hyperactivity and/or dehydration. Great snacks that will also provide energy such as veggies, fruit ? ? , granola bars, cereal, and subs or sandwiches. Snacks are best bagged in small individual personalized portions. Kids lose energy simply from balancing with the movement of the boat, swimming, and being outdoors, and that energy needs to be replenished. It is highly recommended to avoid soda and soft drinks, and offer water or Gatorade instead.
Most importantly… keep calm, patient, and positive. Your emotions will reflect on the children, and your excitement will rub off on them. Enjoy quality time together, and make memories to last a lifetime!
Photo by naturemygut.com